Theatrical and Making Services
Theatrical and Making Services
Bespoke puppets, specially commissioned shows and theatre consultancy services.
Bespoke puppets, crafted, created and cooked to your specification, using Puppet Soup's unique recipes.

A gift as unique as the recipient.
Puppets make a fantastic gift that will be treasured and enjoyed for years to come!
If you send us your designs, photos or requirements we can create a bespoke puppet hand crafted and made to order.
Puppets can be cast in plastic resin, moulded from various materials or carved from locally sourced wood.
Please get in touch for a quote!

For the professional Puppeteer.
Puppet Soup can offer a design and realisation service for the professional theatre practitioner.
We can advise on the creation of a puppet or assist in the making of any piece of puppetry or the puppets themselves.
We have a wide variety of experience and a good portfolio of work and are keen to collaborate to realise puppetry within theatre.
Please do get in touch via email to propose your project!

Not just a dish. The whole menu !
Entire shows crafted to specification.
We are happy to consult, design, make and even perform in your piece of puppet theatre!
We have a wide variety of professional experience within theatre and have trained extensively in both making and performing at some of the world's leading institutions.
We can craft whole shows to specification and are always happy to collaborate with companies on new work.