We have just released the first course dates for our comprehensive Teatro lambe Lambe Puppetry Course for 2022! Teatro Lambe Lambe is one of the few forms of puppetry that really encompasses all aspects of puppetry design, performance, building and creation. The course is suitable for beginners through to experienced puppeteers as the course is given live to a small group to ensure everyone has the opportunity to learn and develop their skills.
Find out more about this puppetry workshop on the course page - https://www.puppetsoup.com/teatro-lambe-lambe-puppetry-course
Begin a fascinating journey of exploration and learn how to build a fully working Teatro Lambe Lambe from your own design! This exciting form of puppetry from Brazil is taught by multi-award winning Brazilian puppeteer and founder of PuppetSoup, Fagner Gastaldon.
Over the course of eight days through the lessons given live to a small group online, you will learn about the history, heritage, culture, design, making, puppet building and performance of Teatro Lambe Lambe to create your own puppet theatre in this amazing puppetry style.
The movement of Teatro Lambe Lambe puppetry has swept Brazil and South America over the last three decades and is now becoming a popular form of puppetry in other nations as well. You will have an authentic learning experience from an experienced teacher and practitioner and also gain the opportunity to network with other puppeteers across the world in this exciting puppetry workshop.
The course has timings that are suitable for those in the USA, Canada, The UK, Europe and Africa, though over the last few years we have had people from every part of the world join this puppetry course and become part of the Teatro Lambe Lambe family!
Join us to learn more about his exciting puppetry art form and create your own Teatro Lambe Lambe on this course.
