Monday 25th April saw us at the Borough Theatre bright and early to begin intensive rehearsals for our open showing of the R&D process the next day. As Lukasz and Fagner have been working almost non-stop on set and puppets over the past few days, it was a really wonderful moment to see everything in place on the Borough’s beautiful stage. Exploring the design of the set and puppets has been the real challenge of R&D (let’s not get started on the challenge of finding the right story yet…!) and it was great to see our bits and pieces of hardboard, canvas and cardboard come together to create a coherent image of Myrddin’s library/woodland glade. (My particular favourites are Ana Maio’s book-mushrooms!). While this is still a long way off the finished design, it’s been a learning curve creating and then staging the piece around Ana’s initial design ideas.
Monday was also Chris’s first day on Arthur! We parachuted him in to complete the lighting design and tech the showing. As usual, he coped with the challenge admirably, as he had to get a sense of the story and the stage design in a very short amount of time! (He built up his strength with Haribo.)
Focusing on the first half of our creative plan for Arthur meant that we had time on Monday to really work on the piece over and over again on the stage, allowing us to find moments of stillness onstage between the puppet bear and masked Merlin, alongside capitalising on the technical capacities of the Borough.
Onwards and upwards to showcase tomorrow!