Weekly Puppetry Classes Rural People
Weekly Puppetry Classes Rural People
PuppetSoup provide weekly puppetry classes to Llanbedr School, Powys and have provided hundreds of workshops to rural schools across Wales and the UK.
By having a weekly puppetry programme at Llanbedr School, young people have become critically aware of theatre, able to make a variety of puppets, understand a broad range of arts and crafts and develop their practical and creative abilities.

PuppetSoup believes choice and autonomy are important within workshops, and young people who attend the course always have the option of following a set of instructions for the day or creating their own puppets and theatre crafts within themes that we encourage.
Through over a year and a half of weekly courses, children have grown in their confidence to ‘imagine it and make it’, realising that whatever they can think of they can make by themselves (even if sometimes they get a little guidance from PuppetSoup!).
As the school has a weekly class and excellent relationship with PuppetSoup, the young people regularly have access to pilot showings of new pieces of theatre and are critically aware within the context of theatre, both being able to enjoy shows and also examine and interpret a show to give useful feedback.
The young people understand the academic aspects of puppet making and performance and have studied forms of puppetry including shadow puppets, marionette making, rod puppets, glove puppets, object manipulation and recycled puppet making. The children have an excellent understanding of the work that goes into theatre and also a greater insight into the career options within the arts.
Llanbedr School provides a full range of artistic opportunities to their children and young people and PuppetSoup are very happy to be providing a range of opportunities to young people at the school.
We support rural communities in bringing arts to their locations and are passionate about ensuring that arts are in rural as well as urban settings.
If you would like workshops for your school or community or have creative ideas on how to take arts into rural areas then please get in touch to see how we can work together!